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WHDH:DT-42 Testing

I believe WHDH:DT-42 started testing last Thu (11), just afternoons
(they were on earlier today, but are off now).
Unlike the other local DTs, WHDH:DT seems to emit some grainy, adjacent
channel digital/satellite type "snow"--perhaps just part of the testing?


- -----
GEOCx (Waypoints):
   42.57°/70.89°  [          QTH:  Rounded to .01°!  P=)   P=)   P=)   ]
  42.538°/70.949° [ "Public" QTH:  P.O Box 3584, Peabody MA 01961-3584 ]
  42.350°/71.054° [         Work:  South Station (GMF), Boston         ]
