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Re: Live too close to "The Eagle" Yes/No?

I wouldn't want to place any bets on this working, but 
if she has a new PC with a working USB port, she might 
want to try a pair of the new USB speakers. The "audio" 
that travels between the PC and such speakers is a 
digital bitstream, not an analog voltage (as it is in 
conventional speakers). If she has a 56-kbps modem that 
works, there's some chance that the USB speakers might 
work. The conversion from digital to analog takes place 
inside the speaker enclosure, so there is lower 
likelihood that the radio-station signal that is picked 
up on the wiring from the PC to the speakers will get 
converted to audio. But there is certainly no guarantee. 
There's an audio amplifier in each speaker and it may be 
highly susceptible to the pickup.

Your friend should see whether she can get the speakers 
in a place that will take them back for cash (not just a 
credit) if they don't work. I'd start with a high-end 
audio store, such as Tweeter.

> The $64k question is, can she get computer speakers (with
> built in amplifiers) that won't pick up the Eagle.
