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Re: Rock 101 off the air Saturday?

Eric wrote--
>d. Capstar may give short shrift to talent and localism,but they excel
>in running a business--how many of us have worked for dying stations
>where paychecks bounced,or vital equipment was down due to lack of
>funds? This doesn't happen on their watch. 
Why does it have to be an either-or proposition-- why are my two options
"big corporations are allowed to destroy local programming" or "sleazy
local owners bounce paychecks and treat the staff badly"?  Is there no
middle ground?  When Worcester radio has no place for an Upton Bell,
something is wrong.  When any corporation-- and I am not just landing on
Capstar-- participates in making radio even less important in people's
lives, that to me is bad.  Their balance sheet may look great for now, and
I commend them, but as many companies have found, people who are no longer
getting good service go elsewhere.  If radio is no longer essential because
it all sounds the same, why bother listening anymore?  Yes, there are some
bad local owners, but I know some good ones too.  I for one do not want to
see the end of local radio-- when I entered the industry, I thought we were
serious about providing that SERVICE, and that includes news & PSAs and
personalities as well as the hits.  I wanted to create stations that are
like a FRIEND to the listener.  And I still say it can be done in a way
that allows owners to make a profit.      
