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Roger wrote (about Tai and Marjorie):
>Possibly, but perhaps TAI wanted to explore/expand his horizons and FNX   
>couldn't(wouldn't) give him that.  Maybe it was the money and maybe now   
>he's not so sure.  At the rate things are progressing, he'll be back in   
>Lynn before the book is done.  My friends, my wife (also a friend) and I   
>have all listened and we all agree: TAI can't get a word in edgewise.  [snip]

Donna the consultant sez:  this all proves again that morning shows cannot
fake 'chemistry'-- it takes time to build it.  Hiring two big names (or one
big one and a small one to be the 'straight man' to the more famous person,
the way Robin Quivers is to Howard Stern) is no guarantee the two people
will sound natural together.  Some shows work out those growing pains and
develop.  Others simply fail miserably.  Tai obviously felt it was time for
a change, and WFNX has never paid the big bucks.  He saw an opportunity and
probably figured, why not go for it?  If the PD at the station is doing his
job, the two are getting regular critiques to improve their 'act'.
Otherwise, Marjorie will continue to be the dominant force on the show and
Tai will never be allowed to develop his own personality.   (They should
have tried this out ahead of time before springing it on an unsuspecting
public.  Some concepts sound great-- until you try to execute them in a
real-life situation...)  
