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Re: John Garabedian

<<On Sun, 25 May 1997 08:41:12 -0400 (EDT), NewHUC@aol.com said:

> not a major consideration, that if you give people something they really want
> to hear, they'll turn their radio or whatever to hear it.  That simple theory
> may still stand today.

I don't think this is true in the FM (and cable TV) era.  The average
person is so accustomed to crystal-clear signals that if a signal is
noticeably impaired, she will consider it the same as ``you can't get

I take my mother as paradigmatic.  She doesn't listen to AM (and has
no awareness whatsoever of the AM stations in her market, or anywhere
else for that matter).  The only radio stations that exist for her are
the ones her FM tuner's ``scan'' function is able to locate.  She
would never watch a TV station with a snowy picture--even now that she
lives in a non-cable area (and she would never, ever permit an outside
antenna--horrors!--on or near near /her/ house).

- -GAWollman

- --
Garrett A. Wollman   | O Siem / We are all family / O Siem / We're all the same
wollman@lcs.mit.edu  | O Siem / The fires of freedom 
Opinions not those of| Dance in the burning flame
MIT, LCS, CRS, or NSA|                     - Susan Aglukark and Chad Irschick
