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Re: Changes at WRKO? (VB, Michael Savage)

On Thursday, November 7, 2002, at 02:18  AM, Bob Nelson wrote:

> Now Hannity is gone from
> 'RKO, even though he has the second most popular
> show in the nation. (Rush is #1, then Hannity,
> with Dr. Laura and Stern tied for third and Savage
> in fourth.)
> Why would they want to dump such a "hot" show?

Maybe because it isn't so "hot?"

Look at the ratings for Hannity's stations in some cities.  In Seattle, 
10th place KVI has 1/3 the ratings of the number one talker.  In 
Portland OR, his KPAM is in 25th place.  In Providence, WSAR ranks 
34th.  In Minneapolis, his station doesn't show up in the ratings, 
meaning it's somewhere under a 0.4.  These are all 12+ numbers because 
that's what you can get from R&R online.

I didn't go fishing for cities where Sean is doing poorly.  I looked 
for northern, somewhat liberal-leaning cities...like Boston.

Sure, Sean is on some successful stations, but this "#2 national 
ranking" is absolutely no indication of how he'll do in one market or 
another.  More likely, it means he's heard on a lot of 5000 watt local 
stations who put him on after Rush, as a nationally known personality 
who can keep the transmitter warm while they're not paying for a local 
