Looking for honest answers on this

Rob Landry 011010001@interpring.com
Wed Jun 11 06:36:44 EDT 2014

On Tue, 10 Jun 2014, Bob DeMattia wrote:

> My favorite is "We've just completed another 30-minutes of continuous 
> music". Translate "Time to change the dial"

That's called "telegraphing stopsets". It's stupid, and my feeling is that 
the whole "continuous music", "x songs in a row", etc. business is 
pointless. It may have made sense in the beginning, but stations have been 
doing it for so many years that it is no longer useful. I'd love to hear a 
contrary opinion, though, from someone who has actually used it.

Here's an idea: make the ads the center of on-air contests, e.g. "when you 
hear the Verizon Wireless ad, be the fifth caller..." The ads are, afeter 
all, part of the station's programming, and too many stations sound like 
they're holding their collective noses through their stopsets.

Whatever. I'm only Choo-choo Charlie.


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