WHDH-TV Weather 1959

A. Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Fri Feb 24 18:51:07 EST 2012

On 2/24/2012 6:34 PM, Kevin Vahey wrote:

> Cole was fired by WHDH radio in 1967 with no warning and was replaced by
> Jim Runyon. Cole surfaced a couple of times first when WNTN Newton went on
> the air and the Globe archives mention he was hired in 1977 by WHET. I
> think WHET was the former WCRB AM 1330.

It was.  I remember when they changed, playing MOR music, show tunes, 
etc., and at first part-time simulcasting WCRB.  I was upset about this 
because I only had an AM radio in my 1970 Dodge Dart, and I could no 
longer listen to classical music.  I said that I thought WHET was all 
wet!  Eventually I got an under-dash FM converter so that I could listen 
to classical music again in my car.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.             617.367.0468
92 State Street, Suite 700       Fax: 617.507.7856
Boston, MA 02109-2004          http://www.attorneyross.com

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