Radio never warned me (regarding Spfld tornado)

Dave Doherty
Fri Jun 17 23:48:22 EDT 2011

Hi Steve-

I was in my home in Worcester on June 1, and I got more than 50 tornado and 
severe thunderstorm warnings on my Droid and in my email, so NWS Taunton was 
issuing them.  In Providence, well away from the actual tornado area, WBRU 
broadcast three tornado warnings and a flash flood warning between 5:17PM 
and 6:57PM.

So, NWS was issuing the warnings. Did the Springfield broadcasters forward 
them on? I have no way of knowing, but I hope there will be a post-mortem 
among the engineering community to see what was done, what might have been 
done better, and figure out how to do it.

For almost 50 years before this year's Tuscaloosa tornado eclipsed it, the 
worst tornado death toll on record in the entire country was in Worcester on 
June 9, 1953 - another early summer event that should have put everyone in 
New England on notice that it can happen here.



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