Liberal Talk Where Art Thou? (was: Herald, BRW: 1200 to conservative talk...

Bill O'Neill
Tue Jan 19 14:03:25 EST 2010 wrote:
> On another note, the only reason why liberal-talk stations have not 
> done well is that they have never gotten their act together. -  
> Conservative talk stations usually have 4 things going for them;  (1) 
> money,  (2) Texas, (3) close links with conservative lawmakers 
> (Congress bought and paid for by conservative lobbyists [TelCom Act of 
> 1996 & more]) and (4) religious concerns and religious wingnuts.  
> Liberals don't have any effective motions on those 4 things.
That's where I disagree - (1) Money is the effect of success not the 
cause.  (2) Texas - that excuse left the station. (3) Plenty of links to 
liberal lawmakers (Congress bought and paid for by our generous 
voluntary giving at tax time) and (4) Religious concerns - I know many 
liberals who take umbrage to the suggestion that faith is co opted by 
the right. And wingnuts among the religious are easy to unscrew from 
their base and marginalized.

Bill O'Neill

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