WCAP a trend-fighter (was: WBZ cuts Leveille, Cuddy, Dyett, poss. Desmarais)

Bill O'Neill billohno@gmail.com
Fri Jan 2 14:15:10 EST 2009

JohnOnTheSeacoast wrote:
> It makes you appreciate owners (local) like Clark and Sam at AM980, WCAP.
> John

Along with Scott, count me among the WCAP alumni very pleased with Clark 
and the local innovation going on at "The Cap" (an unofficial moniker 
that's a perennial nickname by staff and alums over the years.) 

BTW, I visited the station not too long ago. I was pleased to see that 
there were actually some old tapes and carts stored there that I had 
used over ten to 20 years ago. I hope to get back there and save them to 
digital for posterity.  I think the tacky while refreshing low-tech 
'splash in the pool' sfx may among the aural survivors. 

Question: what do you recommend for software for dubbing to digital a 
bunch of tape? Something with ease of library classification, etc.  
Also, I have been looking around for a reel to reel player for 12/7" 
reels (low budget). The tape's not getting any younger. Who knows what 
I'll discover amidst the tape. Something tells me there are more than a 
couple of early Fybush quality gems in there.

Bill O'Neill

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