Somewhat OT: Times Co. threatens to shutter Boston Globe.

Don A
Sat Apr 4 17:37:13 EDT 2009

> 1.  I am tired of the story being reported as if the unions are the bad 
> guys.  ..I do mind the constant effort on the part of my media colleagues 
> to portray every story in the simplistic "good guy/bad guy" frame.  Find 
> somebody to blame, say it's their fault, wash, rinse, repeat.

Can you give an example where one of your media colleagues has done this?

> 2.  It still is hard for me to read a newspaper  or a magazine online--  
> there have been studies about how digital media use a different part of 
> the brain to process the information... things just look different to me 
> when I read them online.

I feel the same way.  I look at things online when it is convenient, 
cheaper, and more eddicient to do so....but when it comes to reading 
anything of substace or length, I usually hit 'print' and bring it to my 
favorite reading chair.

I still like to hold the newspaper in my hands, fold around pages, vut 
things out, put them on the refridgerator...and take the paper to the 
bathroom with me. 

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