WGBH-FM Employment Opportunity

Laurence Glavin lglavin@lycos.com
Sun Apr 17 13:27:06 EDT 2005

On Sunday mornings when I'm up before 8:00 o'clock, I tune 
in to the J. S. Bach cantata WGBH-FM plays every week at that
time.  After this morning's work (Cantata #52, thus a year since they
restarted the cycle Robert J. Lurtsema started decades ago),
the announcer said something like this: "Since you enjoy
listening to WGBH, would you like to WORK for WGBH?
We're now hiring account executives to help make local
businesses aware of the fine programming on the Arts station."
Hmmm..."account executives";  isn't that what time salesmen
at COMMERCIAL stations are called?  I'm sure that there
are people at WBUR-FM that do that type of thing, are THEY
called "account executives"?  And I wonder
if the individuals hired in response to this type of 
message are really WGBH employees, or like Willy Loman, 
essentially commission-only representatives?
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