WGAN radio may drop Rather

Joseph Pappalardo joepappalardo2001@yahoo.com
Thu Sep 30 02:07:24 EDT 2004

> Who's Mary Mapes?

I believe she is the producer that basically put the story
together....contacted the DNC and put the memo guy from Texas in touch with
Joe Lockhart at the Kerry Campain.

> I don't know whether CBS was set up, but it sounds at least possible,
given what we already
> know about the Republican Dirty Tricks operation.  Prepare an inept
forgery, pass it
> somehow to a rabid Bush-hater who won't bother to question it, let him
bring it to CBS, and
> then rely on the laziness of present-day journalism to do the rest.
> The payoff is that they discredit CBS and Dan Rather and have everyone
talking about the
> forgery, rather than about Bush's dodging his National Guard service.

It looks more like the "Democratic Dirty Tricks operation"...but they are
lily white and would never do such a thing, right?

There has been no evidence to show that he "dodged" his NG service.

Rather than look for blame...it is what it is.

Dan Rather took to the air with forged documents to attempt to discredit the

No matter who set it up or why....the journalist failed to do his job...and
the stakes were pretty high.

Never mind the behind the scenes phone calls to the Kerry campain.

It doesn't pass the smell test.

And this is just the latest of many "Ratherisms".

End result...Dan Rather and CBS have hurt their credibility.

Everyone else may respond as they see fit...including WGAN.

> It's a tempest in a teapot...other than anchoring the 5pm newscast, I
> think Dan has much presence on CBS radio anyway.

I thought he still did a daily commentary...with his tag line before
commercials:  "Now please, this message..."

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