WGAN radio may drop Rather

A. Joseph Ross lawyer@attorneyross.com
Thu Sep 30 01:17:32 EDT 2004

On 29 Sep 2004 at 19:08, Joseph Pappalardo wrote:

> Yeah, but this is just the latest Dan Ratherism.
> His credibility is damaged in the minds of many
> people...either by his mistake...or an unconscious
> bias.
> And with Mary Mapes making calls to the DNC putting
> sources in contact with Lockhart, etc.
> Something is amiss.
Who's Mary Mapes?

As for something amiss, Marvin Kalb, appearing last week on the Connection, wondered 
whether CBS was set up for this.  His reasoning is that the Bush Administration doesn't like 
Dan Rather and, he said, the Republican campaign was e-mailing the famous letter to 
various outlets while the 60 Minutes II report was still airing.

I don't know whether CBS was set up, but it sounds at least possible, given what we already 
know about the Republican Dirty Tricks operation.  Prepare an inept forgery, pass it 
somehow to a rabid Bush-hater who won't bother to question it, let him bring it to CBS, and 
then rely on the laziness of present-day journalism to do the rest.

The payoff is that they discredit CBS and Dan Rather and have everyone talking about the 
forgery, rather than about Bush's dodging his National Guard service.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210                 lawyer@attorneyross.com
Boston, MA 02108-2503           	         http://www.attorneyross.com

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