is this broadcast censorship?

Mark Laurence
Sun Oct 24 00:21:03 EDT 2004

On Oct 23, 2004, at 11:30 PM, gic wrote:

> I am somewhat surprised that no one has mentioned the fact that Mayor 
> Tom "mumbles" Menino has passed an executive order

Where did you get the information that this was an executive order, or 
that it was any kind of order at all?

>  that tv cameras and reporters will not be allowed in bars during the 
> world series.

All I've heard is that bar owners have agreed not to permit live shots 
from inside their establishments, something they certainly have the 
right to do.  Given that a girl died in the frenzy after the Sox win 
over New York, it seems like a small concession to the, um, relentless 
pursuit of the truth.  And, under these circumstances, what TV station 
is going to try to shove its way into the Cask & Flagon to foist more 
live shots of drunks on their audience?

Mayor Menino talked about banning alcohol sales completely in the 
neighborhood, and that's probably within his power.  Then he used that 
power to work out a decent compromise that will make the Fenway area 
safer without the live in-bar cameras.  It's a smart move by the mayor, 
another good reason why Boston voters love the guy.  And that "mumbles" 
slur got old about a decade ago.


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