FCC...making sense?

Bill O'Neill billo@shoreham.net
Mon Aug 30 15:30:33 EDT 2004

Michael Copps, an FCC commissioner who is a Democrat, writes in this op-ed in
the NY Times

Copps reminds the reader that "American citizens own the public airwaves, not TV
executives."  In his criticism of the dwindling coverage of public interest
events like conventions.  Copps goes on to opine that "The F.C.C. id doing
nothing to help as the situation deteriorates."  He argues against prevailing
corporate-speak by reminding that over 35 million viewers don't have cable TV
(don't have access to the cable channels who now fill the niche and void left by
the terrestrial nets.)

I doubt that any of this ranting will have much impact, but it's a good start.

Bill O'Neill

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