WCRB-FM Stereo

Ron Bello RBello@BelloAssoc.com
Mon Nov 24 21:47:30 EST 2003

>What I understood - I could be wrong - veteran
>broadcast engineers are welcome to comment - is that
>the quad matrix systems back then such as the CBS /
>Columbia records SQ system, you could just broadcast
>an encoded Lp, it wouldn't require any special
>equipment on at the station - listeners could just
>decode it with their SQ enabled equipment.

That is correct.  The record was encoded with the 4 channels so
no further processing was needed.

At WEZO (Rochester, NY - 101.3), we used to have a 4 channel
tape player which fed a Sony SQ encoder for an hour each
evening in 1975-76.  Don't think anyone knew / cared / listened for it.
Dropped program after a year.  No one complained.

At the time there were 3 different / competing systems.
SQ from Sony / CBS.  Sansui's QS and another which I can't recall.
Consumers did not know which to support which helped to kill
the whole idea.

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