Liberal talk network sold to new investors

Larry Weil
Thu Nov 20 11:03:51 EST 2003

At 3:21 AM -0500 11/20/03, Joseph Pappalardo wrote:
>I grew up listening to virtually all liberals on talkradio.
>Paul Benzaquin, Jerry Williams (Liberal at the time), Brudnoy (Liberal at
>the time), Norm Nathan, Guy Manilla, Larry Glick, Peter Meade, Dave
>Finnigan, I forget some of the old 'EEI Liberals.  Locally, we had Lou
>Marcelle.  (Any more?)

I notice these are all local people.  We are now in the era when many 
if not most talk shows are national.  I wonder if the history is the 
same national, and if we can go back in the same direction now that 
the national shows dominate?

Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH

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