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Re: New station for Portsmouth?

From: "Aaron Read" <aread@speakeasy.net>

> I can see it working, but the LPFM staff will need to be disciplined
> to understand that a free-format station is not something people - in
> general - will listen to.   Time and time again it has been proven that
> even if you have a weaker signal, if you provide a service that is desired
> and is unavailable elsewhere, people WILL go to extra lengths to listen
> support you....

A weak signal...and 100 watts FM is "very" weak....in this area will not
carry far. And that is going to be the major drawback.  In the seacoast area
the combined population is perhaps 80 to 100 thousand...I havent seen the
latest census numbers so I'm guessing a bit.  100 watts, with a good wind,
might reach a third of them.  Of that number maybe 1 percent might listen.
The rest could care less.
The numbers just dont't seem to make it possible for the station to be
anything other than a 'hobby' for a few well-meaning individuals.
Best of luck to them.
