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Re: Double letters in Boston-market calls

Expanding on Aaron's expansion of the original

--- Aaron Read <aread@speakeasy.net> wrote:

> Shame shame shame - y'all forgot Northeastern
> University's pride and joy: 
> WRBB!  :-)   WAAF is technically Worcester but they
> sure try to make folks 
> believe they're in Boston.  Nearby there's also WSRS
> (Worcester) and a 
> double-whammy, WWBB (Providence) plus WWKX
> (Woonsocket) WDDZ (Pawtucket) 
> WNNZ (Westfield) WNNW (Lawrence) WHJJ (Providence)

Has WLLH been mentioned yet?

Just across the border is WQLL Bedford, NH (cool,
huh?).  And to the west is WWLP (TV).  Further north
the WSSH calls live on in the Upper Valley, along with
WNNE (TV).  The former WKDR in Burlington is now (I
beleive) WVAA.  And a triple-whammy from Randolph, VT,
WWWT (not sure if that one's current).  And in
Connecticut there's WCCC in Hartford and WQQQ in
Sharon.  There's a few more out there like WICC, but
I'll leave those for someone else.

Doug Bassett

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