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Re: WSRS ( W1XOJ )

>>But the fact that the first S stands for "Stereo" tells us that it hasn't been WSRS for ALL that long. My guess is no more than 25 years.<<

Guess again.  FM stereo was approved by the FCC in 1961, and WSRS, which was built from the ground up to be stereo, went stereo on-air sometime before 1965.  I used to work there, and I knew the two men who put the place together without almost any outside help:  the late Ted Kalin (CE of WEIM, another Knight station at the time) and Jack Flynn, WSRS's long-time GM.

>>what is now WSRS was WTAG-FM.<<

...and was originally meant to be WTAG-TV, Channel 5.  The First Report and Order in the FCC's television proceedings in 1947 allocated Channel 5 to Worcester.  That makes TWO media that the Worcester Telegram & Gazette foolishly abandoned before they made it big.

I remember cleaning up the engineering room (among my first duties when I assumed the CE job), and coming across the original blueprints for the front of the building.  Seeing "WTAG-TV Channel 5" on the drawing was a shocker, until I learned some of its history.
