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Re: No more LTAR? Horrors!

I can understand running short of time these days
but before cancelling LTAR I would suggest that there
are enough participants of this list to host or cohost
the program to take some of the burden off Bob.

At 02:19 PM 3/30/03 -0800, Bob Nelson wrote:
>I heard the first half of WJIB's "Let's Talk About
>Radio" today (on the way to do my own show, at
>WMWM) and just as I parked my car, I heard Bob mention
>he's seriously thinking of dumping the show
>because he no longer has the time to do it. "Maybe
>I'll do it once or twice a year-- a big, three or
>four hour show.."
>He said he's been busy doing shows for WJIB (i.e.,
>pretaping material). Last week, he got so involved in
>doing that that he was too tired to tape LTAR. And now
>he's thinking of cancelling the show. Certainly I can
>indentify with someone giving up a show because
>they're too busy with other things. But radio fans
>around here, I would hope, would not want to
>lose their weekly "LTAR"...(I did tape it for a couple
>friends and will go back to hear the rest of the show
>in a while)...