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Re: Interesting

Dan Billings wrote:

>Yesterday, Dave went off on the dumbing down of America because NBC was
>carrying sit coms instead of war coverage.  He also contrasted the US
>coverage with that of the BBC.  (Who have done a great job.)  Tonight, NBC
>and ABC have live coverage but the BBC America is carrying sitcoms!  There's
>probably still war coverage in England but I thought it was interesting that
>they decided to drop constant coverage on their US feed.
I think I read it here, BTW, a couple of years ago.

I believe that BBC America is a service of the Discovery Channel 
networks and  not the BBC per se. The programming is purchased/licensed 
by BBC America from the BBC and usually is not a direct feed. All 
programming decisions are made by Discovery in the US and not the BBC. 
The decision to suspend any war coverage was probably not a BBC decision.

Also remember the 5-hour time difference. The BBC World News program 
that we see @ 6:00 p.m. originates in their  Washington, DC bureau, and 
not from London.
