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Re: Were NPR Shows Pre-empted Or Not Produced?

--- Laurence Glavin <lglavin@lycos.com> wrote:
 if these shows and "Car
> Talk" were not offered
> by thre network, then WBUR had no choice. 

It's possible. A show like "Whad Ya Know", for
example, might have originally had a live broadcast
(new show) scheduled for this week but would have
scrubbed it, knowing a couple days in advance that
there would probably be war coverage anyway. And they
would either offer a rerun (for those stations who
don't want war coverage) or maybe no show at all,
figuring all stations would want the expanded news

That's just conjecture on my part but if I were in
charge of a show like "Whad Ya Know", "Car Talk",
or "Wait Wait", I'd figure war coverage would come
first and would probably not do a show...