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Re: Anybody Listen To Howie Carr Today?

> Newspapers feel they're losing many customers to their
> web versions so they try to make it up by charging to
> read articles/columnists. Some papers

Which doesn't make sense.  Newspapers don't make money off per-copy 
newstand sales. The bulk of the money is made from advertising.

Also...considering how much some of these daily papers cost, I'd rather 
read them on the web:  New York Times - 75 cents, Wall Street Journal - 
one dollar and that way don't have to put up with all the advertising on 
each page.  (The Linux version of Mozilla has a feature that disables 
pop-ups totally.)  :)  

At least the Washington Post is still 35 cents in Washington 
DC, last I checked.

The Sunday papers are worse - the New York Sunday Times is now up to THREE 

Why in blazes would I want to spend this amount of money for something
packed full of ads, coupons, circulars and AOL 8.0 disks?

No way.  I'll read it on the web and not have to worry about carrying the
damned thing to the corner garbage can after I'm done plowing through the
fluff and garbage.

I'll save my money for a bottle of milk or a hamburger, fries and a soda 
from Wendy's dollar menu. :-P
