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RE: Resumes

<<On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 10:32:50 -0800 (PST), Cooper Fox <fox893@yahoo.com> said:

> Hmmmm....  RTF is easy and every windows machine has a
> prog capable of opening them...  you can do a lot more
> than PDFs.

...but not every person in the Universe uses Windows (even if most HR
droids do).  If I were sending out resumes, I would send them in plain
text (and I wouldn't want to work for any place where that wasn't
expected form).  If I needed a ``fancy'' format I would format to PDF,
particularly if I were going through an agency, because that's the
only format that is sufficiently difficult to edit.  Of course, mine
is a different industry, where most of the clueful people have little
tolerance for ``word processors''.
