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Re: Fwd: Re: Satellite

On Thu, 06 Mar 2003 17:32:49 -0500 "Laurence Glavin" <lglavin@lycos.com>
> Once, and only 1 time that I recall, there was a warning at the
> start of a Metropolitan Opera broadcast that it would 
> go silent for a few minutes when solar interference would be at
> max behind the transponder.  The opera was Gounod's "Faust"...if 
> that happened now, people might detect an
> anti-French cabal.
> Laurence Glavin

I don't know why you would have only been warned once apparently someone
dropped the ball because these outages happen a couple of times a year.  
The times and dates are available and I've even seen them on the wire
giving stations a heads up.