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RE: Re: Non-comm rankings

> I assume you're referring to WMJX-FM.  You couldn't possibly 
> take any PRIDE in that dreck!  I bought a new car a few 
> months ago and the dealership was pumping 106.7 swill into 
> the showroom so I've had recent (unfortunate) exposure to the 
> outlet.  Sometime midsummer 2002 the wine dept. at a nearby 
> NH State liquor store also did the same thing. You must be 
> INTENTIONALLY trying to broadcast bland, forgettable pap, 
> very similar to the junque channels 2,11 and 44 are sending 
> out during their current fund-raisers!  I think you were 
> recently quoted in a newspaper or another website praising 
> Josh Glowworm...he's apparently the darling of the PBS 
> poo-bahs.  Bad news...he couldn't pass an audition of a good 
> amateur chorus in Boston (Cantata Singers; Tanglewood 
> Festival Chorus...maybe he could sneak into the Masterworks 
> Chorale). If he's representative of the "quality" sound 
> emanating from WMJX, you'll just have to do better!

This attack seems to be personal.  While Mr. Kelly and I have locked horns
on more than one occasion, I don't see the need to attack him personally.
While MAGIC is not my cup of tea, the shear numbers that the station
generates speaks for itself.  I just try not to gag when "Bedtime Magic"
comes on.

Brian T. Vita, President
Cinema Service & Supply, Inc.
75 Walnut St. - Ste 4
Peabody, MA  01960-5691 USA
+1-978-538-7575 voice
+1-978-538-7550 fax