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Re: WRKO's changes, NPR, Savage ...

----- Original Message -----
From: <RadioTony@aol.com>
To: <boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 7:00 PM
Subject: WRKO's changes, NPR, Savage ...

Tony -- Great post!

> Due to problems with my attbi/comcast account, my emails have been
bouncing back. Thankfully, I remained subscribed on my AOL account.
> On NPR "liberals," I personally don't listen to NPR. I used to. But,
frankly, I got sick of listening to pompous, educated, intellectuals - some
who I know from listening to them never had to work a hard day in their
lives - talk down to me all the time.

You're going to upset Dave.

> Conservatives have a LONG history of using scare tactics, boycotts, and
retribution to end things they don't like.

Good point.

> Unlike Rush, Buchanan, and other conservatives and libertarians who
produce quality programming use discussion in a respectful manner to make
their points, Savage targets other human beings.

Agreed.  Politicians like Clinton and Daschle are wrong to lump together all
conservative talk hosts as advocates of violence.  To blame Rush for
Oklahoma City (as Clinton did) or for threats against Senators (as Daschle
did) is wrong.  Whether you like Rush or not, there is a majpr difference
between his show and shows from people like Savage.

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine