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WRKO's changes, NPR, Savage ...

Hi all, 
Due to problems with my attbi/comcast account, my emails have been bouncing back. Thankfully, I remained subscribed on my AOL account. 
A few quick points: 
I think VB is pretty funny and I do listen to his show on late nights driving home from work. However, in the interest of much needed balance at WRKO, I am excited about Alan Colmes coming back to Boston. I liked his midday show on WCAP and "Grafitti Phone" was a hilarious - and done way before Howie Carr's "Chump Line." While I won't be able to listen all the time, I will support Colmes when I can and I hope his new show is as good, if not better, than his past show. I would add that when "the bombs start dropping" I hope WRKO again keeps Colmes on the air and allows VB to broadcaste afterwards. 
On NPR "liberals," I personally don't listen to NPR. I used to. But, frankly, I got sick of listening to pompous, educated, intellectuals - some who I know from listening to them never had to work a hard day in their lives - talk down to me all the time. As well, NPR isn't "liberal" - it is corporate. There are very few true liberals on NPR. Sure, they are probably "pro-choice" and support gay rights. But when it comes to economic issues, NPR news and commentary is corporate and conservative. They LOVED every big business/corporate thing Bill Clinton and the Republicans passed from 1994 to 2000 - NAFTA, GATT, WTO, IMF, Telecom Bill, Crime Bill, etc. NPR was SILENT on most of these issues OR they had four Harvard economists rah-rahing for an hour and then let some union rep. on for three minutes and called that a fair discussion. I remember when Christopher Lydon did a show on NAFTA, just before the vote, and he had on three pro-voices for an hour and then had John Sweeney [or some union flack] on for a few minutes. I spent the whole hour hitting redial trying to get a point on but couldn't because it was busy. During the whole hour the calls went four or five to one for NAFTA. That is hardly liberal. NPR is terrible. As an aside, the anti-NAFTA people have been proven correct all along - two million lost jobs, millions of illegals rushing the borders, dangerous Mexican trucks killing Americans in accidents, and a Mexican economy in the gutter. On Savage, I don't understand why he is being such a crybaby about protesters boycotting his show. This is a great American past time and conservatives LOVE to use these tactices. Protesters outside Planned Parenthood with "Baby Killer!" posters and shellacked fetuses, anyone? Or, how about the protesters outside the Naval residence of Al Gore's for the 36 days after the 2000 election, screaming "Get out of Dick's house!"? How about conservatives and Christians targeting advertisers for Fox's "Married, with Children" program for being "anti-family." Anyone remember!
 the relentless assault by conservative commentators and protesters against WEA Records for Ice T's "Cop Killer"? The result? Labeled records and CDs. Then, there is Jello Biafra, dragged through jail for the H.R. Giger's "Penis Landscape" poster being included in the "Frankenchrist" album. And let's not forget punk shows in general, where "moral" protesters basically got the cops to do their dirty work in Los Angeles and San Francisco, smashing skulls and creating bedlam against musicians and fans who may have looked a little different and liked loud music. This isn't even getting into the civil rights movement and what conservative whites did to the blacks who were only seeking equality.
Conservatives have a LONG history of using scare tactics, boycotts, and retribution to end things they don't like.
I have listened to Savage's show and it is above and beyond offensive. I don't care how many people listen or buy his book. Unlike Rush, Buchanan, and other conservatives and libertarians who produce quality programming use discussion in a respectful manner to make their points, Savage targets other human beings. He has talked about "eliminating" liberals - who have every right to do what they want - as enemies of the country because they have a different view of the world than his. He calls liberal orgs - who have every right to do what they want - "sewers" and immigrants "turds." He is reprehensible and that is being kind. 
I personally won't be targeting him - I shut off the radio. But, I listened to him BEFORE I said anything bad about him and he is bad. If the gays - or whoever - want to use their God-given American rights to run him out of town on a rail, so be it. 
End of rant, sorry to let it pent up like I did. 