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Letter to the Editor

Since others are commenting, here's a partial letter to the Editor of the
Reno (NV) newspaper today with conservative radio talk shows in sight.

Contributor John Peckham writes <in part>

"Despite the concerns expressed by Rush (Limbaugh), Rusty (Humphries...a
local, Reno and network talk show host) and others about America's support
for the war....in the course of one day of my listening to AM radio...those
who do not support the war 100 percent or who do not profess undying
fealty to Bush the younger have been variously described as
stupid, ignorant, mentally ill, un-American, anti-American, un-patriotic,
pro-Saddam, pro-terrorist, moral relativists,
effete liberals, and members of the feminist/anti-war cabal.
Those were just the labels I could remember in one day.

"I would argue that these (radio) voices have done an admirable job of
drowning out any sane discussion - much less debate - about what constitutes
national security, what we're getting for $1 billion per day expenditures,
(about) oil dependence and oil politics....until that discussion takes
place, Hail Caesar and man the battle stations!"

Comments?  Is talk radio drowning out other voices to be heard?  What does a
protest of millions around the world against the war really mean, besides
good front page copy
sound bites and ten second video clips? Party politics aside (if possible)
what is talk radio doing?  (.....or sleeze talk radio for that matter.)  Is
it...the money?

(rant off)  =Russ Butler