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Re: Fred Rogers

>Is there any way that programs like the ones pioneered by Fred Rogers and
>Bob Keeshan can be adapted to conform to the realities of today's
>broadcast companies?  I'd love to hear some thoughts on how it CAN BE
>DONE, not why it can't

First of all, you need to find someone who has the talent and creativity
of a Fred Rogers or a Bob Keeshan.  Some second-rate performer who tries
to just imitate one or both men isn't going to cut it.  Perhaps even
more importantly, it has to be someone who isn't just doing a kids show
for grins and giggles; it has to be someone who truly believes in what
they are doing on behalf of children.  Fred Rogers certainly did.

Once you find that person - or a group of people of similar mind -
convincing "the powers that be" to run the show probably isn't that
much different from the way it was back when Bob and Fred tried to
get backing for their respective shows.  Certainly I would think
PBS, at least, has some interest in trying to find "the next Mister
Rogers".  They'll be cycling the "Neighborhood" tapes for many years
to come, I'm sure, but those will eventually show their age.

Having grown up in Mister Rogers' hometown of Pittsburgh, back when
the show had just started being distributed nationally, I definitely
felt a sense of loss when I woke up to the news yesterday morning,
even though I haven't watched the show in years.  Rest in peace,
Mister Rogers - and thank you.

-Shawn Mamros
E-mail to: mamros@mit.edu