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RE: WVMT joins Evil Empire

Steve writes:

> Aren't the Sox on WDEV?  I imagine they must have a
> listenable signal in
> Burlington.

Sure are.  And WDEV-FM's greatly increased footprint puts 96.1 well into
Burlington to the north and well to the west here in
Middlebury/Shoreham.  Can even hear it well in Rutland.  550 kHz
simulcast comes in weak but listenable in fringe areas.  Caught it on
Rt. 7 heading down to Manchester, VT and over to Cambridge, NY.

The owner of WDEV, Ken Squier, still does his Saturday morning, "Music
to Go to the Dump By."  We listened this past weekend (and yes, we were
while going to the dump....er, recycling center.  A couple of big
dumpsters in the Congregational Church parkinglot overlooking the new
copper domed gazebo in the village.)  He's got some funny, funny stuff
going on there.  "Absorbine Junior College" and others.  Reminds me a
great deal of the late great Norm Nathan.  Homespun, steady cadence,
drier than cornstarch and as deadpan as Bob Newhart.  I guess it's just
neat to think that the _owner_ of the heritage station in the state
seems to have the most fun of anyone on the air there, and he takes the
greatest risks with humor and musical oddities.  And with all of that, I
don't fear what my young kids may hear as they help with the weekly

Bill O'Neill