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Re: WVMT joins Evil Empire

Bill O'Neill writes:
> The owner of WDEV, Ken Squier, still does his Saturday morning, "Music
> to Go to the Dump By."  We listened this past weekend (and yes, we were
> while going to the dump....er, recycling center.  A couple of big
> dumpsters in the Congregational Church parkinglot overlooking the new
> copper domed gazebo in the village.)  He's got some funny, funny stuff
> going on there.  "Absorbine Junior College" and others.  Reminds me a
> great deal of the late great Norm Nathan.  Homespun, steady cadence,
> drier than cornstarch and as deadpan as Bob Newhart.  I guess it's just
> neat to think that the _owner_ of the heritage station in the state
> seems to have the most fun of anyone on the air there, and he takes the
> greatest risks with humor and musical oddities.  And with all of that, I
> don't fear what my young kids may hear as they help with the weekly
> chore.

Ken Squier's voice is absolutely mesmorizing. I just love the pipes he has.
Do you know if they stream?