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Re:WRKO adds Colmes; moves VB's show

As a liberal (and regardless of what people on this list may think, not that 
far left a liberal--I have several friends who are WAY farther to the left), I 
find it disappointing that Savage is such a compelling listen. Despite my 
politics, I was hooked on him for maybe six weeks three or four months ago. I 
used to tell myself that I listened because it was important to understand the 
thinking of a very large segment of the population. Now, all that I can hope 
for is that he wears thin on his millions of listeners, just as he did on me.

He's a bright guy with a PhD (albeit in Nutrition), but his penchant for name 
calling suggests a limited intellect. I never figured out whether he indulges 
in name calling because he doesn't realize how dumb it is or because he knows 
it sells. My guess is the latter. I suspect that he calculates the impact of 
every diatribe before he opens his mouth. But I still think that he is awfully 
dangerous and I think that he learned the cadences of his rhetoric by listening 
to recordings of speeches by Adolph Hitler.

I sure hope he proves not to have the lasting power of Rush Limbaugh. From what 
I remember of Colmes, I can't imagine his becoming as popular as Savage--even 
briefly. I thought his show on WCAP was simply horrendous. There is nothing in 
what he says or the way he says it that makes me, as a liberal, want to rally 
around him.
eFax 707-215-6367
> --- Larry Weil <kc1ih@mac.com> wrote:
> (re: Michael Savage)
> > There's an article on all this and protests being
> > planned against 
> > MSNBC on today's TV Spy.  
> Savage currently has the #1 non-fiction book in the
> country and his show ranks #4 in listenership. 
> Obviously, he must be stopped. People are being
> brainwashed! :)
> Last night he addressed the fact that people were
> calling for his MSNBC show to be cancelled even though
> it has yet to air. "How do you know I'm not going to
> do a cooking show?" He mentioned that liberals are all
> for free speech, except when somebody who disagrees
> with them tries to speak.
> Consider this:
> Michael Moore is given a show by CNN. Before it airs,
> conservatives angrily demand for its cancellation.
> Outrageous, right? Yet that is what is happening with
> Savage.
> Did someone change the Consititution when I wasn't
> looking? You aren't allowed to offer your views?
> I'm not a huge Savage fan but for those who would like

> to see his show go off air, there are two ways you can
> do that:
> 1. Change the channel
> OR
> 2. Turn your TV off.
> How about this: let's call WRKO and demand they take
> off the new Alan Colmes show. You're saying it hasn't
> even aired yet? And that he's entitled to his
> opinions? Oh, we can't have THAT can we... :)