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Re:WRKO adds Colmes; moves VB's show

--- Sven Franklyn Weil <sven@gordsven.com> wrote:
> How about getting rid of that detestable Michael
> Savage guy...and 
> replacing him with someone local ... and talented
> and entertaining?

Well, I'm all for local content, but 'RKO figures
they'd like to have something live in case there's
breaking news on the war (which is the reason they
dumped Hannity for Savage in the first place).
Talented and entertaining? Oh, Savage ranks #4
among talkers nationwide because he's extremely
boring and untalented. :)

And, if anything, every time I hear his Bronx accent
it makes me think of a certain baseball team from the
Bronx who have always been trouble for my beloved
Red Sox. (By the way, he said something about a
"porn shop" on his show last night and I thought
"porn"? No, wait, he means PAWN! Pawn shop. It's that
Bronx accent... But hey, we live in "Borston"
so we're just not used to it.)

I'm not the biggest Savage fan OR the biggest Savage
hater. (I do like having Brudnoy on 'BZ, Ingraham
on 'TKK and--soon--the Red Sox on 'EEI for
alternatives.) But he does have followers. But wait,
you don't agree with his views, so he must be taken
off the air. Again, he can be taken off the air
instantly by either changing the channel or 
turning the radio off.

People didn't like Phil Donahue's MSNBC show so
they didn't tune in, and now he's been cancelled.
When people tire of Savage, that can happen too...