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Re:WRKO adds Colmes; moves VB's show

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 dan.strassberg@att.net wrote:

> He's a bright guy with a PhD (albeit in Nutrition), but his penchant for name 
> calling suggests a limited intellect. I never figured out whether he indulges 
> in name calling because he doesn't realize how dumb it is or because he knows 
> it sells. My guess is the latter. I suspect that he calculates the impact of 

This is my biggest bone of contention with this guy.  It makes him sound 
childish and immature.  But I guess most talk-radio  listeners love this 
stuff...it seems like they lap it up.

It seemed funny when I was a teenager listening to this stuff...but now it 
just seems so ... over.

> dangerous and I think that he learned the cadences of his rhetoric by listening 
> to recordings of speeches by Adolph Hitler.

Anyone can bark like a dog (reference to some Loony Toons flix spearing 
der Shickelgruber).

> I remember of Colmes, I can't imagine his becoming as popular as Savage--even 
> briefly. I thought his show on WCAP was simply horrendous. There is nothing in 
> what he says or the way he says it that makes me, as a liberal, want to rally 
> around him.

His local show on WEVD was excellent.  The beauty is that Colmes is a 
comedian. He doesn't take himself seriously.  He plays with the callers' 
heads...in a fun way.  And yet he's also a nice guy on the air (and I 
guess also off the air).  Who says you have to be nasty on the radio. 
There's so much nastiness in daily life.  Why must we be subjected to it 
on the radio/TV?
