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Exempt industries

<<On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 12:20:22 -0500, Dave Faneuf <tklaundry@juno.com> said:

> I don't recall if it was a federal or NH law

Wage and hour regulations are Federal law (the Fair Labor Standards
Act, as amended).

> that exempted owners from paying overtime to employees in a market
> (defined by the labor dept as community where the studio is located) that
> was below 100K in population.

29 USC 213(b): Maximum hour requirements

    The provisions of section 207 of this title shall not apply with 
respect to--

    (9) any employee employed as an announcer, news editor, or chief 
    engineer by a radio or television station the major studio of which 
    is located (A) in a city or town of one hundred thousand population 
    or less, according to the latest available decennial census figures 
    as compiled by the Bureau of the Census, except where such city or 
    town is part of a standard metropolitan statistical area, as defined 
    and designated by the Office of Management and Budget, which has a 
    total population in excess of one hundred thousand, or (B) in a city 
    or town of twenty-five thousand population or less, which is part of 
    such an area but is at least 40 airline miles from the principal 
    city in such area;

This clause dates to 1961 (Pub. L. 87-30).  I hope that answers your
