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RE: Simulcast question

<<On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 12:43:36 -0500, "Bill O'Neill" <billo@shoreham.net> said:

> obviously the contours are different.)  Is "overlap" based on the .5
> mV/m?

47 CFR 73.3556:

    (a) No commercial AM or FM radio station shall operate so as to 
devote more than 25 percent of the total hours in its average broadcast 
week to programs that duplicate those of any station in the same service 
(AM or FM) which is commonly owned or with which it has a time brokerage 
agreement if the principal community contours (predicted or measured 5 
mV/m groundwave for AM stations and predicted 3.16 mV/m for FM stations) 
of the stations overlap and the overlap constitutes more than 50 percent 
of the total principal community contour service area of either station.
    (b) For purposes of this section, duplication means the broadcasting 
of identical programs within any 24 hour period.
