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Re: Warwick Fire / Middle East sprinklers

 "Aaron Read" scribed:
> Anyone who's been to the  ME Downstairs will agree with me that the
room will be an
> instant deathtrap if any sort of fire or similar incident happens.
Even if there's just a
> stampede people will no doubt be hurt very badly or killed trying to
get up
> that stairwell.

As recommended by most of the news announcers on Boston TV stations, I
tend to look for alternate ways out, but not necessarily for safety -
sometimes I just want to leave quickly when a performance is over and
don't want to wait in a loooong line.

FYI: I've been to the downstairs room ME to photograph my son's band and
you're right - there's only one real way out.  That's why I stay near
the stairs.

Also, one issue not tackled (to any significant degree) by the local
broadcast media (although the Globe & Mail in Canada had an article on
it):  Despite all the warnings to people to "note all the exits when you
are in a new/unfamiliar place" - realistically how much of that
information will stay with you when you've been in the club since 8:00
(earlier if you want a good seat) listening to many bands, it's 11:00,
the headliner is taking the stage and the beer bottles on your table are
legion?  When planning safety exits, the law doesn't seem take in to
account the long reaction times (and fuzzy vision/decision-making
ability) associated with alcohol intake.   What might work for theatre
patrons probably wouldn't be sufficient for inebriated night clubbers.
Anybody hear this discussed (to any significant degree) on talk radio?

Roger Kirk