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Re: Concert Disaster In Rhode Island

Aaron Read writes:
> Yes - I goofed and meant to say "the Chicago trampling".   A lot of
> people bolted for the front door instead of heading for the emergency
> exits in that one, too.
> Plus it was just a comment on the general
> stupidity-when-viewed-in-hindsight that tends to accompany any
> incident at a bar or club.   Those places are never safe, they're
> always deathtraps of one form or another, and inevitably something
> bad happens at one.   The Station fire - in a way - was less a "bad
> decision" (as it's being called) than it was the Law of Averages
> happening to strike in Rhode Island.   It could have just as easily
> happened in any one of thousands of clubs nationwide.

I'm not saying this was the case Thursday night, but I wonder how much of a
role alcohol plays in some of these incidents? Some liquered-up people in a
crowded setting, probably not with their full mental capacities and likely
operating a step or two slower than normal ... most of us aren't the
sharpest knives in the drawer after having two or three pops.