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Re: Concert Disaster In Rhode Island

At 05:52 PM 2/21/2003 -0800, Cooper Fox wrote:

>By chicago, are you refering to the pepper spray
> > And Cocoanut Grove was decades ago...people have
> > SHORT memories.  Jeez, the
> > Chicago fire was not even a WEEK ago and apparently
> > nobody learned from
> > that one, either.

Yes - I goofed and meant to say "the Chicago trampling".   A lot of people 
bolted for the front door instead of heading for the emergency exits in 
that one, too.

Plus it was just a comment on the general 
stupidity-when-viewed-in-hindsight that tends to accompany any incident at 
a bar or club.   Those places are never safe, they're always deathtraps of 
one form or another, and inevitably something bad happens at one.   The 
Station fire - in a way - was less a "bad decision" (as it's being called) 
than it was the Law of Averages happening to strike in Rhode Island.   It 
could have just as easily happened in any one of thousands of clubs nationwide.

Aaron "Bishop" Read             aread@speakeasy.net
FriedBagels Consulting          AOL-IM: readaaron
http://www.friedbagels.com      Boston, MA