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Re: Club Owners

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 20:02:44 -0500 "Dan Billings"
<billings@suscom-maine.net> writes:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul Anderson" <paulranderson@charter.net>
>> Why?  Just because pyrotechnics had been used in the past at The
> > Station doesn't mean they were approved by the owners at the Great
> > White concert.  Or have the owners claimed they had *never* 
> approved
> > pyrotechnics *ever*?

> The fact that they have been used their before makes it more likely 
> that
> Russell is telling the truth that permission was given in this case.

OTOH you have club owners in NJ and I believe ME saying the band used
pyrotechnics at their clubs without permission, that would certainly cast
doubt on Jack Russell's credibility.
> The owners have not addressed the past or addressed what their 
> employees may
> or may not have done.  The owners are probably telling the truth 
> about their
> personal knowledge and conduct, but that does not address the 
> actions of
> their employees.

I agree, and I think Jeff was very careful to say that permission was not
asked or granted by he or his brother.  That doesn't mean the stage mgr
didn't say okay with or without their knowledge.

> > I agree NBC should have mentioned the reports of prior 
> pyrotechnics at
> > the club.

> The key thing is if you are going to report past to events to weaken 
> or
> strengthen the statements of one side or the other, an impartial 
> journalist
> should give the complete picture.

My question regarding the prior use of pyrotechnics aspect of the story,
I have not read it on the wire and I personally have not heard an
employee come forward with a statement , so it could very well be that
NBC did not have the information that they had confirmed to run with by
air time.....just speculation on my part.