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Re: Rimshot IDs

> From: Dave Faneuf tklaundry@juno.com
> Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 20:00:06 -0500
> To: elipolo@earthlink.net, boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org, 
> aread@speakeasy.net
> Subject: Re: Rimshot IDs
> Obviously listeners remember funders with much greater detail than
> commercials ;-).  Generally when I read the BBC Funder I follow up with a
> forward promote, not the forecast.

That's true too, after the funder I first at least briefly mention what 
program, segment or feature will be coming up next on the BBC, then throw 
a line or two of weather in the remaining time before having to go to ID at 

Eli Polonsky

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