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RE: Re: WCVB Blizzard of '78 Special

> From: Donna Halper <dlh@donnahalper.com>

> Am I the only one who has noticed that when the meteorologists were
> drastically WRONG this time around, there was no hype from any of the
> local stations, and little explanation either? One of my pet peeves (oh
> Bruce, we miss you-- you got it right more often than not!) is when
> stations make it sound like the blizzard of all time is coming our way
> and we only get 2 inches. This time, it was the opposite-- we were told
> there would only be about 2-3 inches in Boston, yet it ended up with
> about a foot, and everybody I watched totally downplayed the mistake,
> concentrating on the usual silly "reporter out in the snow" stand-ups...
> How could our very reputable meteorologists be so far off with all the
> sophisticated equipment they have?

I was watching the radar and the weather maps throughout the night, and the
National Weather Service was updating their forecasts throughout the night.
That doesn't say much for the typical 36-hour forecast, this one confounded
the models every few minutes, and for a storm that was forecast to track
further south, it delivered an awful lot of precipitation much further
north, indicating that it did indeed go a bit further north than the
forecast track.

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