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Re: Another Source Of Interference For WBUR

My primary e-mail doesn't work with the B.R.I.G. so I can't cut-and-paste
a reply, but herewith are two points about this subject:

I rented a house in Harwich the summer before last and was amazed at how
tropo-skip in the summer slaughtered WBUR's repeater on 90.3.  WBUR-AM was ok
days but a problem at night.  It occurred to me that if I ever moved down
there I'd want to install a roof-top antenna for the mother ship rather
that try to rely on either pipsqueak FM or the AM.  Farther out on the Cape these outlets are less viable, but it's possible that denizens
there are "in front of" WBUR-FM's strongest lobe and could receive it as
well as other FM's on Rt 128: WODS, WCRB, WBMX.

With reference to the station in the Fitchburg-Gardner area, there's a CP
or application for 91.1 SW of Gardner with 130W at 328 feet DA, no call letters yet as far as I know.

Cape Pogue is part of Chappaquiddick Island made famous by EMK.
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