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Re: Very Unusual Commercial Airing Currently on WBZ-AM

The organization mentioned in the ad is controversial.
 They ran a bike marathon from Montreal to Portland
last year.  A couple of media outlets covered how
little of the money actually goes to research, but
many more media outlets gave uncritical, feel good
coverage to the event.  I do not know who is correct
regarding the controversy but media outlets that give
free p.r. to such events should look into the finances
of the groups involved.  I think many of the Portland
media outlets ignored the issue because they had
already been suckered into PSAs and feel good coverage
for the event.

I also applaud WBZ for running the ads.  Media outlets
certainly have the right to turn down such ads, but I
think they should only do so when the claims made are
clearly false or the content offensive.

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine

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