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RE: Comrex Remote System

At 11:23 AM 4/10/2002, you wrote:
>Honestly, I think it sounded ten times better with a
>normal analog phone line patched into the board.  The
>problem that i noticed, other than the frequent
>disconnects, was the "mushing" sound...  Like a cell
>phone when you have a somewhat sketchy connection.
>The one we were using wouldn't connect at anything
>less than 12 KBPS...  Which resort were you
>broadcasting from?  Our people are at Ochos Rios.

Only 12kbps?  Sounds like a Hotline...BlueBox and the TieLines should be 
able to handle down to 9.6kbps.  One nice thing about the TieLines is that 
they'll renegotiate upwards as well as downwards, and will do it 
automatically.  BlueBox will only go down.

I ought to add my preference for Comrex is because I'm considering a 
purchase for WBRS and we'll mostly be in situations that have medium- to 
good-quality phone lines, and the Comrexes are simpler to use (we have a 
lot of non-tech staff)

Aaron "Bishop" Read       aread@speakeasy.net
Fried Bagels Consulting   www.friedbagels.com
12 Walnut St. / Waltham, MA / 02453