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Voice track this. (Was: Short Rotaion... (was: newspaper article))

Cooper writes:
> One of the major problems I have with doing
> voicetracked shifts is the simple fact that you end up
> talking up the same songs over and over, <Snip>  it never
> ends...

Imagine if "life" could be voice tracked.

Manager/team Leader: Welcome to our meeting.  That was an interesting
comment.  I think we should move the agenda forward on that one.  Time
for a break?  Take five.  Welcome back.  We'll pass that on to HR.
Let's watch OI.  Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

Cashier:  Welcome to WalMart.  Paper or plastic?  Any coupons?  Credit
or debit?  (Oh wait, that one works without voice tracking, but one
could suggest...)  Shop here often?  Nice tie.  How does it feel to have
children smarter than the parents? (Just to see if you're still there.)

Out on a date:  Nice tie.  Come here often?  How does it feel to have
children smarter then the parent?  Paper or plastic.

Bill O'Neill